Breast Cancer - Does It Really Work?

Prolactin levels in women rise when they are feeling stressed, pressured or angry. Prolonged exposure to high levels of prolactin can harm the mother and the baby. Prolonged exposure to low levels of prolactin can cause cancer. As the amount of prolactin in the body increases, the risk of breast cancer increases for both mothers and their babies.

As the Supply of Prolactin Increases, So Does the Risk of where to buy prolactin breast Cancer

Research has now discovered that even a short period of high prolactin levels can cause breast cancer. The increase in prolactin is caused by exposure to external hormones. The increase in prolactin may be relatively minor, up to and over 20%, while moderate increases to above 40% can stimulate cancer. Once the levels become higher than 90%, the risk of actual breast cancer appears to increase where to buy prolactin.

Elderly women and men have seen an almost four-fold increase in risk of developing breast cancer since they started using oestrogen replacement therapy. Breast cancer is not a gender specific disease and people who have exhausted their ovaries and menstruation may develop breast cancer. Even though older women and men are more exposed to oestrogen through where to buy prolactin hormone replacement therapy, the risk of developing breast cancer is directly related to how much oestrogen is in the body.

How Is Oestrogen Replacement Therapy Used to Control Breast Cancer Risk?

Oestrogen replacement therapy (ET) is used to balance the high levels of oestrogen in the body. This helps to decrease the risk for breast cancer and other oestrogen-related diseases. As oestrogen levels in the body are increased by the use of oestrogen replacement therapy, the risk of developing breast cancer is decreased.

There are three different forms of oestrogen replacement therapy (oestrogen-E2, estradiol, and estriol) used today. Breast cancer is the only type of cancer where we have a sufficient amount of oestrogen-related hormones. These where to buy prolactin hormones are produced by the adrenal glands and serve many important functions in the body, including converting fat into energy and keeping the body in a state of homeostasis.

There are two types of oestrogen-E2, which is given orally, and the latter is taken orally and combined with a special food pill. There is a substantial body of evidence that suggests that orally-given estradiol provides the best balance between potential risks and benefits, while most doctors would prefer the compound to be taken in the form of a capsule or tablet. The compound is then delivered to the bloodstream, where its effects act at the cellular level.

Most doctors simply don't feel that oestrogen replacement therapy is necessary for those who have braved the agony of breast cancer treatment and for those who think they have rid themselves of the ailment, without the use of additional therapies. However, there are certainly many where to buy prolactin women and men who have the need for additional therapies, and who have found comfort and hope in the successful treatment of breast cancer. These women and men are typically looking for an alternative to the standard transition plan, and oestrogen replacement therapy offers a particular alternative.

Are You Exciting a New Procedure?

When oestrogen replacement therapy is done in conjunction with a mastectomy, several benefits are realised. Not only is the patient less likely to experience facial hair growth later in life, causing them to remove less of their facial hair, but the removal of all or part of the breast often reduces the size and severity of incontinence pustules and other associated skin manifestations of the where to buy prolactin condition. The ability to use less incontinence pads is also something associated with breast reconstruction, and this is often not possible when a full breast reconstruction is being planned.

Are Your Patients Alternatively Treating the Problem?

One of the most difficult challenges associated with a surgeon's consultation is often the patient's attitude toward surgery. Often, these patients place a great deal of trust in the medical community, and to outline such an important where to buy prolactin procedure as childbirth with the light of surgery is not something to be taken lightly. Yet the reality is that often this trust is poorly misplaced.

For example, it is common for patients to place their own health ahead of their surgeon's advice. They may trust that a specific surgical process will aid them in a way that may be different than another surgeon's recommendation for treatment. Additionally, they may fear that another where to buy prolactin recommendation will be worse than what they have currently been doing in order to manage their condition.

In order to advance the treatment of their condition and to be able to provide a better outcome for their surgical experience, they need to be informed of all of the options currently available. Shedding light on some of the not so well understood aspects of breast reconstruction can help to ease their fears and concerns.

Are You Experts in the Field?

One of the most important points to make during consultations is that breast reconstruction is not a procedure that is recommended where to buy prolactin without full disclosure of all risks.
